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Nasty White Man

Writer: LawlettersLawletters

It wasn’t very long ago that I avoided making social political statements. If I saw them on Facebook or Twitter I avoided them. If they were constant rants by friends or relatives, I would hide them so I wouldn’t have to wade through them. If the subject ever came up, I would say, “It’s a waste of good energy.”

What changed my mind? The social war, of course, which started after the 2016 presidential election. When your country goes to war you suit up, bear arms (in this case with words), and defend your country. And I am defending my country.

The war is not between Republicans and Democrats. Nor is it between Conservatives and Liberals. The war is between grass roots America and a media bred-and-fed cesspool of socialist, Marxist pawns.

Though the 2016 election bore down to a competition between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Hillary didn’t lay the groundwork for her side. The pot was stirred by her rival Bernie Sanders, who represents the way-far left, where a majority of Democrats are more moderate. But that doesn’t mean Hillary didn’t start something.

Never in my lifetime had I witnessed a candidate receive so much support for being a loser. Back in 2000 Al Gore pounded out some of the same rhetoric, and garnered support, but he moved on, finding another way to get rich via life after politics. Hillary only knew how to be a sore loser, and she and Bill were already rich.

That left the door wide open for Bernie Sanders, who is clearly a Marxist, more so than a mild Democratic Socialist, and I believe that given the opportunity, he would openly and proudly turn our country into a totalitarian state. Why not? He’d not only have the support of millions of so-called Americans, but he’d have China, Russia, North Korea, and possible Iran as his allies.

Though he lost the nomination, his narrative survived. More than two dozen candidates, including Bernie, came forward to run for President on the Democratic ticket for 2020, and nearly all of them have went to the far left extreme, making it the model of the new Democratic party, and getting world-wide support.

There’s an argument on who created Trump’s image among the Democratic Party. Some say it was the media who crucified him and labeled him as a racist, a white supremacist, and the “greatest threat to American values.” Some say it was Trump himself, who split America with his personal attacks and divisive Tweets.

I think it’s both (his Tweets don’t help), more so to the former, but I want to add something to the equation, because it’s not just the Democrats who despise Trump. There are many Republicans who don’t support Trump, and it’s not because of his Tweeting. Ever hear of the phrase “Drain the Swamp?” Yeah, that’s why they despise him. And their acts of caving in to the socialist movement will be costly.

Grass roots America is defined by many things, but first and foremost it’s our constitution. We are the freest, most productive country in the world because of it, yet the far left want to destroy it by silencing us (first amendment), taking our right to bear arms (second amendment), initiating red flag laws (fourth and fourteenth amendment), guilty by accusation (fourteenth amendment).

Allowing non-citizens to vote (fifteenth amendment), and an attempt to abolish the Electoral College (Article II, Section 1). All of this to further their agenda to take control of our country, by waving a carrot under the noses of the historically ignorant by promising free stuff, using children as icons, and making a devil out of the white man. Because we oppose them, we are now the “far right,” which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Now when I see a political post spewing out something I disagree with, I dive in head first, and I don’t care who it is. Sometimes it’s a good friend from the old days, when our political views didn’t matter, and sometimes it’s a former school teacher, or a fellow writer, who, not until today, politics rarely came up.

Sometimes they chime in to my own conversations, which is fine, because I ALWAYS welcome their input, and I’m happy to debate them, because that is America. If they make a knucklehead out of themselves, well, then they’ve done the work for me. And that happens a lot. If we agree to disagree, then that is fine, too.

What I’ve noticed more of nowadays, however, is that when they make a nonpolitical post, such as something personal/successful, family related, and I make a praising comment, they don’t press “like.” They press it all around me, but they can’t like mine, I presume, because I make the hair stand up on the back of their neck.

I’ve had people say, “If you don’t like what I say than you can delete me.” In those cases, I try to ask them why they feel that way, or why we can’t simply just disagree? I rarely get a response, because responding reasonably to unreasonableness is embarrassing. We should never allow personal politics to come between friendships, if a friendship really exists.

If I post a new photo of my wife and children, or some sort of meaningful, personal event, I never hear from them. My politics trumps (pardon the pun) being civil, being American, and more than anything else, being an adult.

Not long ago I responded to a post in reference to a recent mass shooting, where one of my liberal friends put up a statistic about the percentage of mass shootings being perpetrated by men. My question was why is that such an important statistic? What’s the solution? Banning testosterone?

That friend never responded to me, but the entourage of people in their circle who didn’t know me piled on top of me as if they were stopping an assault, when it was just a question. There is no such thing as a civil debate anymore. All I asked for was reasonableness, but what I got, from both men and women, were spews of elevated anger and hatred.

Before all was said and done, I was defending our country, our freedom, and all that makes us great, only to be called a nasty white man. The irony is supreme–to be called this in none other than a sexist, racist manner. It’s truly sad, the political discourse that they have bought into, when I and any man I know would lay down our lives to protect that freedom for them.

Would like to know your thoughts.

1 Comment

Oct 03, 2019

We are in total agreement.



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